ARG Company Goals

1. To provide the most qualified associates into the industry and to be the most professional, ethical and successful real estate company in the communities we serve.

2. To carry a complete and uncompromising commitment to the highest moral and ethical values for our company and our profession.

3. To make a meaningful, unselfish contributions of the Broker resources to each community in which we serve.

4. To aggressively recruit, select and retain the individuals who have demonstrated the ability or the potential to become the highest caliber professional ex. One who possesses such attributes as integrity, ability, desire, knowledge, empathy, enthusiasm, ethics, determination, and persistence.

5. To have an organization with an ability to grow horizontally and vertically if and when growth is appropriate based in a response to market needs which are present or anticipated. All growth opportunities will be evaluated in terms of support provided or profits generated directly or indirectly without the dilution of our sales and marketing efforts.

6. To develop and maintain a profitable organization which will succeed and prevail.

7. To capture and maintain as a company, the largest single share of each residential and/ or commercial market we serve.